Law Privacy

Phone companies should not be required to store call data, privacy advocates say

A federal rule that orders phone companies to retain records of calls for a year-and-a-half disregards the privacy of millions of Americans, according to a coalition of civil liberties groups that is asking the Federal Communications Commission to rescind the requirement.

As currently configured, the mandate that carriers hold for 18 months the name, address and telephone number of callers, along with numbers called and the dates, times and length of each call exposes consumers to data breaches, thwarts innovation and does little to aid law enforcement, according to a petition filed Tuesday with the FCC by the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) on behalf of itself and 28 organizations.

The retention requirement makes little sense in an age when phone companies bill customers for unlimited or non-measured calling, compared with a time when companies itemized calls, according to EPIC, which contends that requiring companies to keep such records in bulk results in retention of information about nearly all American adults regardless of whether the government suspects them of wrongdoing.

“These telephone records not only show who consumers call and when, but can also reveal intimate details about consumers’ daily lives,” wrote Marc Rotenberg, EPIC’s president. “These records reveal close contacts and associates, and confidential relationships between individuals and their attorneys, doctors, or elected representatives.”

According to EPIC, the FCC proposed 30 years ago to eliminate the record keeping entirely before the Department of Justice asked the FCC to extend the retention period to 18 from six months, contending that retaining phone records aided investigation and prosecution of criminal conspiracies. But the value of the records has eroded as billing has changed, charges EPIC, which notes that DOJ conceded as much in comments filed with the FCC in 2006. Further, law enforcement agencies still could request that records be retained in connection with investigations, said EPIC.

Retaining calling records also amplifies the risk of data breaches, such as the one recently at the Office of Personnel Management, according to EPIC. “The best strategy to reduce the risk of an attack and to minimize the harm when such attacks do occur is to collect less sensitive information at the outset,” the petition notes.

Discontinuing the requirement that carriers retain call records for 18 months would lower the cost of record keeping and allow phone companies to compete for customers on basis of privacy, “which many believe is the market-based solution to the enormous privacy challenge confronting the nation today,” Rotenberg added.

The FCC declined to comment on the petition.

Revisions last spring to post-9/11 surveillance laws ended bulk collection of phone call metadata by the government. Under the terms of the USA Freedom Act, the National Security Agency can obtain such information from phone companies if authorized by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. But the act does not require phone companies to collect or store metadata.

Law Privacy

Senate pushes cybersecurity bill to September

The U.S. Senate Wednesday agreed to postpone until September debate on a bill to bolster cybersecurity.

The legislation, known as the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act, would direct the federal government to share cyber threats with businesses and shield companies that exchange information and best practices about cybersecurity from antitrust liability.

The deal addresses concerns expressed by senators who charged that the measure as it stands will fail to prevent cyberattacks or protect privacy sufficiently.

The agreement means that Democratic Senators Ron Wyden (Ore.), Patrick Leahy (Vt.) and Al Franken (Minn.), along with Republican Senators Rand Paul (Ky.) and Dean Heller (Nev.), all will be able to offer amendments they say strengthen civil liberties and improve the bill.

“We’ve got to debate some real things like cybersecurity, and have real amendments, not pretend amendments,” Leahy told National Journal.

Law Privacy

Senate to take up cybersecurity bill as concerns about privacy continue

The U.S. Senate is slated this week to take up legislation that aims to bolster cybersecurity by spurring businesses and the federal government to share information about digital threats and best practices with one another.

The measure, known as the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act, would direct the federal government to develop ways to share information with the private sector while taking steps to protect privacy and civil liberties. The bill also aims to address antitrust concerns by shielding businesses that share information from enforcement of laws that otherwise might dissuade those businesses from cooperating. The House passed a similar measure in April.

The push represents the third time in as many years that Congress has tried to pass legislation that would encourage sharing of cyber threats. Recent cyberattacks on the Office of Personnel Management, Sony Pictures Entertainment and other targets have prompted legislators to try again. Cybercrime costs the global economy more than $400 billion annually, according to a study released jointly last summer by McAfee and the Center for Strategic and International Studies

Though the measure passed the Senate Intelligence Committee in March, maneuvering underway since then has centered on a tension between defending digital networks and protecting the privacy of Americans whose information is stored in those systems.

Among the concerns: the measure could result in companies handing over personally identifiable information to the National Security Agency. Such information might include, for example, the browsing history of someone who happens to have visited a website that becomes the subject of a cyberattack.

On Monday, Senator Al Franken, Democrat of Minnesota, released a letter from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which cautioned against allowing companies to share information with intelligence agencies without first channeling the information through DHS. “The Administration has consistently maintained that a civilian entity, rather than a military or intelligence agency, should lead the sharing of cyber threat indicators and defensive measures with the private sector,” wrote Alejandro Mayorkas, the deputy secretary of homeland security.

“The authorization to share cyber threat indicators and defensive measures with ‘any other entity or the Federal Government,’ ‘notwithstanding any other provision of law’ could sweep away important privacy protections, particularly the provisions in the Stored Communications Act limiting the disclosure of the content of electronic communications to the government by certain providers,” Mayorkas added.

Though Senators Richard Burr, Republican of North Carolina and chairman of the intelligence panel, and Dianne Feinstein, the committee’s top Democrat, have circulated an amendment that aims to address concerns over the legislation’s impact on privacy, some civil liberties groups say the fixes don’t go far enough. According to the Center for Democracy and Technology, the bill as modified still would authorize the government to use information about cyber threats to investigate and prosecute crimes of espionage, identity theft and trade secrets violations, regardless whether those infractions tie to cybersecurity.

The White House backs passage of cybersecurity legislation but has called on Congress to strengthen protections for privacy and to narrow an exemption from liability for companies that fail to secure their networks after receiving information they receive.

That leaves the question whether the measures actually may cause businesses and the government to exchange more information about cyber threats. While the measure aims to ease companies’ fears of legal liability, the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission already have advised companies “that properly designed sharing of cyber threat information should not raise antitrust concerns.”

And as N. Eric Weiss of the Congressional Research Service observed in June, sharing of cyber threats happens currently. Industries ranging from retail to financial services participate in so-called information sharing and analysis centers (ISACs) that serve as clearinghouses for information about cyber threats.

“The ‘bottom line’ is how likely nonfederal entities—particularly businesses—value the benefits from sharing information against the cost of sharing,” wrote Weiss, who notes that neither bill would address the cost of membership in ISACs, which can cost anywhere from $10,000 to $100,000 to join and thus might exceed the ability of small and medium-sized businesses to afford.

Still, the wave of cyberattacks—and the fallout from them—might cause businesses to think anew about the advantages of sharing. “Although most data breaches have not been expensive compared with the revenues and profits earned,” noted Weiss, “recent events may change the attitude of boards of directors and senior management: the chief executive officers at Target and Sony Entertainment were forced to resign.”

Law Privacy

FCC to address Internet privacy

The chairman of the Federal Communications Commission announced in June that the agency plans this fall to address privacy in the context of consumers’ use of the Internet.

The spur for putting privacy on the agenda is the decision last winter by the FCC to enshrine the principle of an Internet open to all providers of content—a concept better known as net neutrality—within the agency’s authority to regulate common carriers pursuant to Title II of the Communications Act.

The decision included a determination that providers of broadband Internet service, including broadband delivered via mobile devices, will be subject to a section of the law that governs so-called customer proprietary network information (CPNI), which includes such things as the frequency, duration and timing of calls. In short, information that telecommunications companies know from providing service to customers.

Except for billing, emergencies and other exceptions provided by law, carriers cannot use CPNI without the approval of customers. But until the FCC’s net-neutrality ruling, the rules that govern use of CPNI applied only to services such as Voice over Internet Protocol—think Skype—that tie to the telephone network.

That seems likely to change. As the FCC noted in its net-neutrality ruling, the rules that govern use of CPNI by telephone companies would not be “well suited” to broadband Internet service. The reason: In recent years the FCC has revised the rules that govern CPNI after initially classifying broadband Internet service as a so-called information service, which exempted Internet service providers (ISPs) from common carrier status and later led a federal appeals court to order the FCC to revise its approach.

In addition, “the existing CPNI rules do not address many of the types of sensitive information to which a provider of broadband Internet services is likely to have access, such as (to cite just one example) customers’ web browsing history,” the FCC explained.

Until it can adopt rules that address the use of CPNI by broadband Internet providers specifically, the FCC says it “intends to focus on whether providers are taking reasonable, good-faith steps to comply” with restrictions on the use of CPNI set forth in the Communications Act. Note that CPNI does not include customers’ names, addresses and other personal information, the handling of which is governed by laws such as the Cable Television Privacy Act and the privacy notices that cable and phone companies deliver to subscribers.

So what protections for privacy should apply to broadband networks? In July, nine Democratic senators, including Elizabeth Warren and White House hopeful Bernie Sanders, wrote to FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler with some suggestions. The proposals include ensuring the definition of CPNI includes data pertaining to Internet usage, online activity and payments; directing ISPs to collect data transparently; requiring ISPs to obtain consumers’ express consent before sharing information; ordering ISPs to safeguard customers’ information and to notify customers in the event of a data breach; and giving consumers a clear process for resolving complaints.

“We call on the Commission to adopt a comprehensive definition of CPNI as it pertains to broadband,” the senators wrote. “Every click consumers make online paints a detailed picture of their personal and professional lives.”


Tom Brady destroyed evidence, Goodell concludes

This post has been updated as of July 29.

decision by NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell to affirm a four-game suspension of New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady reveals that Brady destroyed evidence that may have explained his role in the scandal known as DeflateGate.

According to Goodell, Brady destroyed a phone that he used throughout the period that covered the AFC Championship Game and the first six weeks of an investigation by the league into a scheme by Brady and two former members of the Patriots equipment staff to lower the air pressure in game balls in violation of the minimum 12.5 pounds per square inch set forth in league rules.

The date of the phone’s destruction coincided with the day on which Brady was interviewed by a team of investigators led by Ted Wells of the law firm Paul, Weiss, Rifkin, Wharton & Garrison. The NFL hired the firm to conduct an inquiry into the scandal. In the ruling released Tuesday, Goodell writes:

“Mr. Brady explained that when he changes cellphones, he gives his old cellphone to an assistant with the instruction ‘to destroy the phone so that no one can ever, you know, reset it or do something where the information is available to anyone.’ But this conflicts with the fact that the cellphone he had used prior to November 6, 2014 was, in fact, available or [the forensic expert’s] review. Had Mr. Brady followed what he and his attorneys called his ‘ordinary practice,’ one would have expect that the cellphone that he had used prior to November 6, 2014 would have been destroyed long before [the forensic expert] was hired. No explanation was provided for this anomaly.”

Brady used the phone to send or receive nearly 10,000 text messages, the investigation found. “Mr. Brady willfully obstructed the investigation by, among other things, affirmatively arranging for destruction of his cellphone knowing it contained potentially relevant information that had been requested by the investigators,” Goodell concluded.

The NFL’s ability to investigate charges of wrongdoing depends on cooperation, Goodell explained, in part because the league lacks subpoena power. Brady’s lack of cooperation led the commissioner to draw what he termed “an adverse inference” that supports a finding of misconduct.

For his part, Brady disputes the significance of the phone. In a post Wednesday on Facebook, he states:

“I replaced my broken Samsung phone with a new iPhone 6 AFTER my attorneys made it clear to the NFL that my actual phone device would not be subjected to investigation under ANY circumstances. As a member of a union, I was under no obligation to set a new precedent going forward, nor was I made aware at any time during Mr. Wells investigation, that failing to subject my cell phone to investigation would result in ANY discipline.” (emphasis in original)

Brady says he turned over records of his cellphone account and emails that investigators requested, as well as asked the phone company if there were a way to retrieve the text messages from the phone at issue. “There is no ‘smoking gun’ and this controversy is manufactured to distract from the fact they have zero evidence of wrongdoing,” he writes.

Law Privacy

Pocket-dial calls are not private, court rules

Someone whom you pocket-dial can listen to your call with impunity, a federal appeals court has ruled.

That’s because you know, or should know, that using a cellphone might result in your calling someone inadvertently, according to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, which held recently that an assistant to the CEO of Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport who overheard comments about her boss by the airport’s chairman after he pocket-dialed the assistant is not liable for unlawfully intercepting a private conversation.

The assistant, Carol Spaw, listened continuously on Oct. 24, 2013 while James Huff, the chairman of the airport board, discussed Candace McGraw, the CEO, with Larry Savage, the airport’s vice-chairman, and later with Huff’s wife, Bertha. The men had stepped onto an outdoor balcony at their hotel in Bologna, Italy, where they discussed airport personnel matters, including the possibility of replacing McGraw as CEO.

Both Huff and his wife, with whom Huff continued discussing McGraw after returning to their room, later sued Spaw for intentionally intercepting their private conversations. A trial court ruled in favor of Spaw after concluding that because Huff placed the call, the Huffs lacked a reasonable expectation that their conversation would not be intercepted.

The appeals court agreed with respect to James but not with regard to Bertha. Writing for a three-judge panel, Judge Danny Boggs noted that “a number of simple and well-known measures can prevent pocket-dials form occurring.” But James Huff did not employ any of those measures, Boggs noted, adding, “He is no different from the person who exposes in-home activities by leaving drapes open or a webcam on and therefore has not exhibited an expectation of privacy.”

At issue was a series of steps that led to Spaw’s overhearing a conversation the participants thought to be private. After stepping onto the balcony, Huff tried to call Spaw using his iPhone to ask her to make a dinner reservation for him and Savage. When the call failed to connect, Savage called Spaw, who agreed to make reservations.

Thereafter, while Huff and Savage discussed personnel matters, the iPhone, which Huff had placed in the breast pocket of his jacket, called Spaw’s office phone, which she answered. After saying “hello” several times without a response, Spaw placed her phone on speaker mode and said “hello” a few more times. Within the first two minutes, Spaw realized that Huff and Savage were discussing McGraw, which prompted Spaw to take handwritten notes of the conversation and to instruct her colleague Nancy Hill, who also could hear the men talking, to do the same.

Spaw listened continuously to the call, which lasted 91 minutes. During that time, Huff finished his conversation with Savage and returned to his room, where he relayed to Bertha the substance of his conversation with Savage. Spaw, who used an iPhone to record part of the call, claimed that she felt obliged to do so after hearing the men discuss what Spaw described as an intention to discriminate against McGraw unlawfully.

The court noted that whether someone intercepts a phone call in violation of the law that authorized Spaw’s lawsuit turns on two questions: First, whether a person whose call is intercepted exhibits an expectation of privacy and, second, whether that expectation is reasonable.

“James Huff lacked a reasonable expectation of privacy in his statements only to the extent that a third-party gained access to those statements through a pocket-dialed call that he placed,” wrote Boggs (emphasis in original). “In sum, a person who knowingly operates a device that is capable of inadvertently exposing his conversations to third-party listeners and failed to take simple precautions to prevent such exposure does not have a reasonable expectation of privacy with respect to statements that are exposed to an outsider by the inadvertent operation of that device.”

Unlike her husband, however, Bertha Huff had an expectation that the contents of her conversation would remain private, at least until the final two minutes of the call, when her husband realized what had happened and told her his phone was on.

Though Bertha Huff knew her husband owned a cellphone and that cellphones can pocket-dial, “speaking to a person who may carry a device capable of intercepting one’s statements does not constitute a waiver of the expectation of privacy in those statements,” Boggs wrote.

Bertha Huff might have a claim against Spaw, provided Huff can show that Spaw’s actions constituted an intentional use of a device to intercept Huff’s communications, the court ruled.

The decision reminds us that anyone we pocket-dial can eavesdrop. “Having a private cause of action against someone who records your call after a pocket dial may be small consolation if the contents of the call are sufficiently embarrassing,” writes Jonathan Adler, a professor at Case Western University School of Law, in The Washington Post. “So this is a good reminder to lock your phone before putting it in your pocket.”

Law News Privacy

Gawker fills in a gap between publishing and privacy

Last Thursday, Gawker, an online site that tout’s “today’s gossip” as “tomorrow’s news,” published an item about a married male executive at a major media company who planned to hook up with a male escort in a Chicago hotel room.

As detailed in the post, the executive, who serves as chief financial officer of Condé Nast, called off the rendezvous after the escort, who realized the executive happens to be the brother of a former Treasury secretary, sent his would-be date documents tied to housing discrimination the escort claims to be facing in Texas.

The post drew a firestorm of criticism from readers, including from journalists. Critics condemned Gawker for outing the executive and for detailing an attempt by the escort, whom the piece identified using a pseudonym, to pressure the executive to hit up his brother for help.

A day after the post went up, Gawker took it down. The move marked “the first time we have removed a significant news story for any reason other than factual error or legal settlement,” Nick Denton, the site’s CEO, wrote in a statement. According to Denton:

“The story involves extortion, illegality and reckless behavior, sufficient justification at least in tabloid news terms. The account was true and well-reported. It concerns a senior business executive at one of the most powerful media companies on the planet… In the early days of the Internet that would have been enough… But the media environment has changed, our readers have changed, and I have changed… I believe this public mood reflects a growing recognition that we all have secrets, and they are not all equally worthy of exposure.”

The decision to remove the post prompted the resignation of both Gawker’s executive editor and the site’s editor-in-chief. Removing the post breached the firewall between the editorial and business sides of the house in a way that, in their view, undermined their responsibility to safeguard the site’s editorial integrity.

As Denton noted, the turnabout marked a departure for Gawker, which made its mark with pieces that sparked the downfall or discomfort of a series of public figures. In 2010, the site published an anonymous account of the author’s one-night stand with Christine O’Donnell, then the Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate from Delaware. (Though O’Donnell was a public figure, critics in and out of the media slammed Gawker for invading her privacy. Denton defended the post by pointing out that O’Donnell campaigned as a paragon of chasteness.) In 2011, former U.S. Rep. Chris Lee resigned after Gawker published an email exchange he had with a woman he met on Craigslist.

Hulk Hogan sued Gawker in 2012 for $100 million after Denton posted excerpts from a tape of the wrestler having sex with the wife of a friend. (The case is pending in a Florida court.) More recently, Gawker investigated whether Katie Holmes moved into a Manhattan apartment three years ago that linked via a secret entrance to a Whole Foods Market on the first floor. (She did, it seems.)

To its credit, the site punches up. In 2010, Gizomodo, a Gawker site devoted to tech news, revealed a lapse in Apple’s legendary security by reporting on a prototype of an iPhone 4 that the editors bought from someone who found it in a bar, where an engineer from Apple left it by accident. Last winter, Gawker took the lead in publishing a trove of emails from the hack of Sony.

At its best, Gawker knows  how to “make fun of people and media sites without being overtly cruel,” Sarah Grieco wrote last year in the Columbia Journalism Review. At its worst, Gawker has a tendency to bully, according to Grieco, who cites Gawker’s claims that Shepard Smith, a Fox News anchor, is gay despite a dearth of evidence.

In defense of the discretion that Gawker demonstrates when it wants to, Denton has cited the decision not to publish nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence and other celebrities that leaked last year. The images may have been accurate, but they exposed no lie, Denton told Capital New York recently.

The piece about the CFO seems to be akin to the case of Hogan but with one difference. Hogan charges Gawker with invading his privacy. The video showed Hogan having sex but the act was private and recorded without his knowledge, he alleges. Gawker counters that the material is newsworthy, a position in line with the law, which generally protects reporters who ferret out facts that are not commonly known so long as they’re news.

Still, compared with Hogan, a celebrity who has boasted about his sexual prowess, the CFO of Condé Nast is an unknown. Sure, he works for a company that publishes The New Yorker, Vogue and other titles. But the person in charge of overseeing preparation of financial statements, managing Condé Nast’s financial strength or presenting the company’s creditworthiness has little to do with the content of its magazines.

At many news outlets, the executive suite tends to be a well-paid wing of the back office. And by most accounts, the current CFO of Condé Nast is about as far from the limelight as one can be. It’s also difficult to find a contradiction between his private behavior and public persona. He has no public persona.

Though Denton seems to have concluded as much the realization came too late to prevent the piece from going up in the first place. In a memo Monday to Gawker’s staff, he noted that the CFO story was legal but unworthy of the discretion afforded the editors who signed off on its publication. Writes Denton:

“We need a codification of editorial standards beyond putting truths on the Internet. [italics in original] Stories need to be true and interesting. I believe we will have to make our peace with the idea that to be published, those truths should be worthwhile. And some humane guidelines are needed — in writing — on the calculus of cruelty and benefit in running a story. Everybody has a private life, even a C-level executive, at least unless they blab about it. We do not seek to expose every personal secret — only those that reveal something interesting. And the more vulnerable the person hurt, the more important the story had better be.”

Time will tell if that’s a standard Gawker can uphold. Some members of Gawker’s editorial staff dispute both the viability of the criterion and Denton’s role in publishing the Condé Nast piece, which some in the newsroom say he could have killed up front had he found it as reprehensible as he contends.

Whatever the outcome, the test that Denton has articulated further defines the boundaries of publishing and privacy in a digital age. Highlight the disparities between the statements and actions of public figures. Clear the air of spin. Cover the news. And remember that stories are about people, too.

Law Privacy

Neiman Marcus customers can sue over data breach

The hassle of straightening out unauthorized charges and the cost of protecting oneself against identity theft give consumers whose personal information is swiped in a data breach standing to sue a company that controlled the information, a federal appeals court in Chicago ruled Monday.

Customers who shopped at Neiman Marcus over roughly three months in 2013 during which hackers used malware to steal payment card information from the retailer’s terminals suffered injuries concrete enough to support their claims, according to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit.

The customers, who include people who discovered fraudulent charges on their credit or debit cards after using the cards at Neiman Marcus stores in New York and California two years ago, filed a class-action lawsuit in March 2014 charging the luxury chain with failing to maintain security sufficient to protect their personal information and waiting six months from the start of the breach to notify customers their information had been compromised.

The plaintiffs alleged that the breach exposed 350,000 cards, of which 9,200 were known to have been used fraudulently. In all, the breach may have exposed as many as 1.1 million payment cards.

The trial court tossed the lawsuit, finding the plaintiffs’ claims of financial harm they might experience insufficient to support standing. Judge Diane Wood, writing for a three-judge panel of the appeals court, disagreed:

“At this stage in the litigation, it is plausible to infer that the plaintiffs have shown a substantial risk of harm from the Neiman Marcus data breach. Why else would hackers break into a store’s database and steal customers’ private information? Presumably, the purpose of the hack is, sooner or later, to make fraudulent charges or assume those consumers’ identities.”

The court distinguished the case of the data breach before it with a ruling in 2013 by the Supreme Court that found human rights organizations lacked standing to challenge the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act because they could not show that the government actually intercepted their communications with suspected terrorists.

“This is a really consequential decision” notes Alison Frankel of Reuters. “It’s the first time a federal appeals court has looked at a data breach class action that was dismissed because the trial judge said it fell short of [the Supreme Court’s] standing requirements.”

The customers of Neiman Marcus “should not have to wait until hackers commit identity theft or credit-card fraud in order to give the class standing, because there is an ‘objectively reasonable likelihood’ that such an injury will occur,” wrote Wood, citing the Court’s ruling from two years ago.

According to Wood, an offer by Neiman Marcus to pay the cost of a credit-monitoring service that costs $4.95 for the first month and $19.95 a month thereafter reflects the type of injury the plaintiffs suffered. She added:

“It is telling in this connection that Neiman Marcus offered one year of credit monitoring and identity-theft protection to all customers for whom it had contact information and who shopped at their stores between January 2013 and January 2014. It is unlikely that it did so because the risk is so ephemeral that it can safely be disregarded.”

That some lenders will not hold customers responsible for unauthorized charges neither eliminates injury to the cardholders nor shows that their injury cannot be redressed by a decision in their favor, the court found.

According to the court, the fact that the plaintiffs’ injuries might be traced to a data breach at Target or another of the retailers whose systems hackers infiltrated around the same time also does not rule out a lawsuit against Neiman Marcus.

If it happens that more than one company may be responsible for exposing the plaintiffs’ personal information to hackers, the companies themselves will have an opportunity to prove that they were not the cause of the injury, the court said.


All things mobile?

With my MacBook in the shop this week I’ve used my iPhone exclusively for all things digital. That includes paying bills, refilling a prescription; purchasing tickets to a concert and typing posts such as this one.

“This is one of those times when an iPad might get you most of what you need,” my significant other told me. Overall the phone is fine. Still, I’m struck by the tasks that seemingly ought to be mobile yet for whatever reason require a workaround.

For example, at Ticketfly, an online merchant that sells what the first part of its name suggests, my attempt to purchase one ticket to a show this September ended in what the site termed a server error. Ticketfly suggested a phone call to complete my order. 

Walgreens asked me if I would like to purchase a membership in a program for discounts on drugs. Intrigued, I clicked on a PDF file of a brochure that described the program. But the site failed to deliver the file despite my trying at least three times to open it.

I also tried to pay my Visa bill at Bank of America. The bank issued me a new card recently. That required me to connect the card anew to my bank account. But the site could not direct me to the page where you enter your banking details. I later completed the setup from a desktop Mac at the library.


Three items for a Monday

My MacBook is in the shop but three items compel me to post via my iPhone.

First, Serena Williams wins Wimbledon for the sixth time while notching her fourth consecutive major. Mark the moment in the annals of tennis and sports. 

Ever wish you could have watched Ali or Borg or Ben Hogan or DiMaggio in their prime? This is one of those moments when we can see greatness in real time.

Second, last week a federal judge in Manhattan ordered Time Warner Cable to pay $229,500 to a Texas woman for robo-calling her 153 times after she yanked her consent.

The ruling shows the reach of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act and how companies can run afoul of it. Though Time Warner Cable seems not to have tried to comply. 

The case also highlights the value of reading the terms of service that govern relations with the services we use.

Speaking of the cable company, at a speech today in Manhattan, Hillary Clinton called for boosting competition in broadband, among other improvements to the economy. Hopefully whoever becomes president will do exactly that. The network can’t get faster fast enough.