
The Supreme Court blocks New York’s COVID-19 restriction on religious services

The Supreme Court late on Wednesday blocked the governor of New York from enforcing restrictions that sought to restrict attendance at religious services in areas of the state that officials say are witnessing clusters of COVID-19.

Five of the court’s conservative members granted requests from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn and two Orthodox Jewish synagogues to block the attendance limits, which capped at 10 the number of people who could attend a service in an area classified as “red” and at 25 in zones the state designated as “orange.”

Both the diocese and the synagogues noted that the restrictions targeted religious services more harshly than they did businesses deemed by the state to be essential, all of which could operate without limits on the number of people who entered their premises.

As such, the regulations violated the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment, contended the religious groups, which asked the court to block their enforcement.

“The restrictions at issue here, by effectively barring many from attending religious services, strike at the very heart of the First Amendment’s guarantee of religious liberty,” wrote the majority, which included recently confirmed Justice Amy Coney Barrett. “Even in a pandemic, the Constitution cannot be put away and forgotten.”

The majority noted that the churches and synagogues subject to the order had honored protocols recommended by the state (including wearing masks and forgoing singing), which the majority added could point to no instances in which the religious services risked the spread of COVID-19 more than a store in Brooklyn that might have hundreds of people shop there on a given day.

Justice Gorsuch concurred. Writing that squaring the governor’s orders with the First Amendment “is no easy task,” Gorsuch underscored what for him showed the extent to which the state’s order treated religious groups differently:

It turns out the businesses the governor considers essential include hardware stores, acupuncturists, and liquor stores. Bicycle repair shops, certain signage companies, accountants, lawyers, and insurance agents are all essential too. So, at least according to the governor, it may be unsafe to go to church, but it is always fine to pickup another bottle of wine, shop for a new bike, or spend the afternoon exploring your distal points and meridians. Who knew public health would so perfectly align with secular convenience?

“Even if the Constitution has taken a holiday during this pandemic, it cannot become a sabbatical,” Gorsuch wrote.

At issue in the appeal is the requirement of government neutrality toward religion. Rules issued by the government that treat religious groups differently must be narrowly tailored to serve a compelling state interest.

The majority acknowledged that the state has a compelling interest in stemming the spread of COVID-19 but that the restrictions in New York were far more restrictive than needed to prevent the spread of the coronavirus at religious services hosted by the groups that sought to block the governor’s order.

For their part, the court’s three liberal members noted in dissent that the governor’s order had changed since the appeal was filed; that the churches and synagogues are no longer within the red or orange zones — that the houses of worship are now in yellow zones, where they can hold religious services at up to 50% of capacity.

Though the state remained free to reimpose red or orange zones in areas where the churches and synagogues are located, the diocese and synagogues also remained free to refile their requests for court review, the dissenting justices noted.

“The nature of the epidemic, the spikes, the uncertainties, and the need for quick action, taken together, mean that the state has countervailing arguments based upon health, safety, and administrative considerations that must be balanced against the applicants’ First Amendment challenges,” they said.

Politics U.S.

The GOP ditches democracy

Subsumed by the news since the U.S. presidential election on Nov. 3 is a study released in the closing weeks of the campaign that finds the Republican party has withdrawn from upholding democratic norms.

The finding came from the V-Dem Institute at Sweden’s University of Gothenburg, which since 1970 has studied shifts in political parties around the world. In the GOP’s illiberalism, the study finds, the party resembles the authoritarian party of Hungary’s Viktor Orban that has made Hungary country the only non-democracy in the European Union.

The Republican Party has displayed its anti-democratic drive without hesitation over the two weeks since the election. The party’s congressional delegation, with a handful of exceptions, has joined President Trump in refusing to acknowledge the results. Ditto for many Republican governors. Republican support for Trump’s claims are “delegitimizing democracy,” former President Barack Obama told CBS News.

Unearthing Trump’s motivation comes down to, as Steve Coll noted in the New Yorker, “what’s in it for him.” Trump may see a second term as the best hope for shielding himself from both prosecution and hundreds of millions of dollars in debt. “It’s the office of the presidency that’s keeping him from prison and the poorhouse,” Timothy Snyder, a history professor at Yale, told the New Yorker’s Jane Mayer.

For their part, Republicans seem to be acting out of fear for their own for survival (thanks to Trump’s sway with their base) and a determination to hold power. Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, may hope that by insisting that Trump has every right to contest the results (notwithstanding any evidence of irregularity in the voting), he’ll encourage Republicans in Georgia to turn out for two Senate run-off elections that will decide whether McConnell retains his job.

For years now, Republicans have relied on partisan gerrymandering, the structural advantage the Senate confers on rural states, and other anti-Democratic devices to achieve what they’ve been unable to at the ballot box. A majority of Americans, for example, support abortion rights. So Republicans focus on filling federal courts with judges who oppose such rights.

If nothing else, the GOP’s refusal to accept the result of the election (while embracing results of elections won by its members) shows that democracy is as difficult as ever. Seventy-two million Americans voted for Donald Trump.

Misinformation matters. Republicans are far more likely than Democrats to say that social media sites likely censor political viewpoints. “It’ll take more than one election to reverse those trends,” Obama told the BBC, referring to what he termed “truth decay.”

Finding ways to show Americans what we have in common would help, too. In a memo last week, four leading progressive groups analyzed what went wrong for congressional Democrats, who nearly lost their majority in the House of Representatives. The underperformance touched off a debate between the party’s left and members who blamed the left for the results.

In their memo, the progressive groups call for an economic message that connects with working people of all races.  “Too often Democrats keep issues of economic justice and racial justice in separate siloes,” they wrote. “Data has shown that an explicit multiracial, populist message mobilizes and persuades voters. We need a Democratic Party dedicated to economic and racial justice and that names the Republican Party’s racism as a class weapon.”

Trump was a strongman without a strategy. Someday our democracy may confront one who has their act together. Now would be time to get ready.


Biden beats Trump

The coupe de grace to the presidency of Donald Trump came on Saturday, Nov. 7, 2020, around 11:30 a.m. Eastern when the news arrived that Joseph R. Biden Jr. was projected to win Pennsylvania.

The streets here on a sunny morning in Harlem filled with the sound of horns and cheering. Strangers high-fived and hooted. A jazz duo played.

Biden will become the 46th president. Kamala Harris, the vice president-elect, will become the first woman (as well as the first Black person and the first person of Indian descent) elected to that office.

By the time Pennsylvania put Biden over the top with 279 electoral votes, the reckoning that the election held for Trump had been underway for several days, as the counting of votes proceeded in a handful of battleground states.

In an irony of Trump’s mishandling of the pandemic, two-thirds of votes cast in this election arrived by mail. Democrats disproportionately voted by mail.

Trump could have urged his supporters to vote by mail as well, but in an act of self-sabotage, the president went out of his way to denigrate absentee voting. The CNN anchor Jake Tapper noted that politicians running for reelection typically try to make voting easier for their voters to turn out.

By midweek, the weakening of Trump’s hold on power had begun to embolden other actors in the democracy. Facebook moved with speed to take down a group that protested under the hashtag #stopthesteal. Twitter masked as many as one-third of Trump’s tweets for spreading misinformation.

Fox News, Trump’s go-to network, showed what the Guardian newspaper called “an unaccustomed display of objectivity” when it declared, over protests from the White House, Biden the winner in Arizona. Editors at The New York Post, another Trump ally, reportedly told staff to toughen their coverage of him.

For his part, Biden spoke to reporters for roughly two minutes on Thursday. “Stay calm. The process is working. The count is being completed. And we’ll know very soon,” said the former vice president.

He didn’t need to say more. The voices that mattered belong to voters. They’ve spoken.


Note about the presidential election that I wrote on my phone before falling asleep on Nov. 4

Awoke around 2:15 a.m. Eastern to hear Trump declare that he was ahead and had won the election… he has not won anything… the counting of votes continues in states that will decide the outcome… Trump had been expected to declare victory prematurely… which is what he’s done…